Monday, May 18, 2020

Genetically Modified Organisms For Agriculture - 889 Words

The Introduction of Genetically modified organisms in farm lands also means the introduction of completely new species of organisms in the ecosystem. Therefore, using GMOs for agriculture may create unforeseen harm to the environment. Deontological concepts that considers preservation of the environment an ethical responsibility of all human beings will therefore, consider introducing in GM plant and animals in the ecosystem an immoral action. On the other hand, one can make a consequentialist argument that mentions that if GMOs help human beings sustain their lives then any possible harm to the environment should be worthwhile. Since from the perspective of consequentialism the happiness of human beings is the only thing that matters, in the context of environmental harm, the utilitarian ethical theory would support the use of GMOs. 2) Possibilities of Harm to the Health of the Overall Population due to Introducing GMOs in Food Supply Introducing new genes in the genetic code of an organism changes the chemical composition of the materials of the body of the organisms. There is currently no clear scientific consensus on whether the new chemicals in vegetables and meats will be harmful to human beings or not. Since there is still a risk of human beings being affected negatively by GMO based produces, from a utilitarian perspective putting GMOs in marketed food products would be an immoral act. Libertarianism, on the other hand would consider human liberty more importantShow MoreRelatedGenetically Modified Organism, Agriculture, And Synthetic Fertilizers1287 Words   |  6 PagesGenetically Modified Organism Agriculture, a necessity for providing basic needs, has evolved tremendously since the first time it was practiced. When first started, agriculture was relatively simple: plant the seeds, water the seeds, and gather the end product. Now, agriculture has changed to include pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic fertilizers to produce and maintain higher yields. The Green Revolution in the 1940’s to 1970’s help modernize agriculture with high-yielding varieties, betterRead MoreGenetically Modified Organisms, Also Known As Gmo’S, Are1491 Words   |  6 PagesGenetically modified organisms, also known as GMO’s, are important to today’s society because they bring more food to more people at a cheaper price. 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